#1 Digital Marketing Strategies for Mobile Apps

Looking to develop and market a mobile app successfully? Our guide outlines effective digital marketing strategies for mobile app development companies.


By Mayank Ranjan

28 Feb, 2022

B2B technology companies, including mobile app development companies, always need a targeted approach and solutions to customers/clients' problems. With the potential to have more organic and affordable leads and to stand out from the competition, digital marketing strategies needs to be a vital part of your marketing.

In this post, you will learn about a few effective online marketing that I follow -

What's in the Blog;-

  • Set up your Goals
  • Understand your audience
  • Create an Online Presence
  • SEO Strategies
  • Content Marketing Strategies
  • Social Media Marketing Strategies
  • Paid Marketing
  • Email Marketing
  • App Store Optimization and Marketing
  • Lead Generation and Management
  • Analytics and Strategies

1. Set up your Goals

When it comes to setting up goals, it doesn't matter if your business is B2B, B2C, or D2C; you have to set a goal. -

What do you want to achieve?

What you wish for your business?

You might aim to attract more customers, increase sales, increase your brand awareness or promote your business. Whatever you aim to achieve, it's better to have that in writing for success.

Any Actions or campaigns without any goals can lead to uncertain results, and you would measure your success with any metrics.

Whatever you choose, it had to be SMART-

  • S-Specific

Be More Specific and detailed about what you want to achieve

  • M-Measurable

Always choose a goal that you can measure with any metrics, No of likes, Certain amount of sales, No. of Visits, No of Downloads, etc.,

  • A- Attainable

Don't set goals that you can't achieve at any cost. For Example;- if your business is new, you can't get 1K clients in 1-2 months. So be realistic about what you want.

  • R-Relevant

Your goals should be relevant to your work; if you plan to promote your blog page, don't set a goal to achieve 1K followers on Instagram; it will be silly, Right?

  • T- Timely

Time is crucial for setting a goal; it will always make you work towards your goals and measure your success within a time frame.

Many Marketers know that even setting campaigns over google and social media ask what you want to achieve? So why not put realistic goals for your every detailed marketing plan.

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2. Understand your Audience

While Setting and Goal, you have to keep your audience in your mind. It's Always better to know your audience.

How to understand your audience

Many practices can help you in gathering critical information about your audience and market, as well as to analyze them to move forward with your marketing strategy-

Some of them are-

Market Survey and Polls-




Its always been and vital process of any business, including mobile apps development Company. Although being a niche market, they still have many potential customers worldwide.

After analyzing the results from these surveys, you will determine how much your services are needed and how you can fulfill what customers want and make a necessary change before developing any products or services.

It will help you in gathering information about the target audience and market with a Purpose of -

  • Understanding customer inclination towards your product and services
  • Finding of similar existing services
  • Understanding the demand and supply
  • Figuring out customer needs, expectations, and gaps in the market

Customer Feedback and Reviews

image-6546/ Review on Quokka Labs Facebook Page

Most Businesses rely on customer feedback and reviews about their organization, product, and services. In the Phase of Beta Testing , they give their software to a small audience, and then, after some time, they ask about their experience.

These data will help you in knowing how your target audience will appreciate your services, what they like and dislike, how much expectations they have,

Although it is considered a post-production survey, customer feedback and reviews can also help understand how you can fulfill what your customer seeks.

Define your Target Audience

The target audience is then evaluated and analyzed a group of people to whom your services are most relevant and who would be more likely to benefit from your services.

Based on your marketing survey, you will choose the best plan to move towards your success. When marketing or branding your services, you will have to know who my customer ad will be interested in your services.

Sometimes, for B2B companies like mobile apps development companies, defining a target can be more complicated; therefore, you must create a buyer persona and plan accordingly for them.

Creating a Buyer Persona

image-6540/ Template of Buyer Persona

Many business people can define buyer persona as a fictional or semi-fictional representation of their ideal clients. It can help you understand and relate to your customers, including their needs and expectations.

NOTE: You have to focus more on customers' behaviors and needs than their professional and business functions.

How to create a buyer persona

Analyze your existing customer

Analyzing your existing customers can help you identify shared characteristics of your customers, trends, and where you could be more effective.

Communicate with them, have a basic understanding of personas, and merge with your educated guess about buyer personas. Always avoid creating many personas, getting more confused,

Specifying your customer goals

Always Specify what your clients need and how you or your products/services help them. Always think from your mindset, allowing you to build the buyer profiles.

Talk to team

What questions/ challenges do they face while marketing or selling your products/services to your customers?. How many customers are benefiting from your business? Your team knows it all.

Competitors Research

The Best way to create a buyer persona is to look out for what your competitors are doing with their Content, Social media, and paid advertising. You can analyze and filter out the targeted customers.

Factors to be included in Persona

The success of your marketing activities depends upon the clarity of your buyer persona. Profound research and better understanding will lead to a well- defined ideal customer data, including the following dimensions.

  • Demographics (Location, Age, Gender, Income, and Education level)
  • Psychographics ( Attributes, Personality, Interests, and lifestyles)
  • Behaviors ( purchasing patterns such as brand loyalty, Reference)
  • Business Segmentation (Business Size, Nature of Business, business structure, and others)

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3. Create an Online Presence

Creating an online presence means how easily your customer can find your brand or company online. It's vital for building your brand value, brand awareness, and visibility to your customers when they search for services.

How to Improve your Online Presence

Creating a Website

Creating a Website is one of the most effective ways to showcase your brand, business, and unique selling proposition (USP). Every visitor will know about your brand, what you are offering and how they benefit from it.

Apart from Coding and putting all information on your website, customer experience also helps optimize your conversion rate. As per data, nearly 80% of clients are willing to pay more for excellent customer service.

Social Media Presence

Whether your company sell mobile apps data or create cross-platform mobile apps, you need to have your presence over social media platform. Nowadays, every business needs to get noticed and take advantage of every online opportunity.

You need to keep a few things in mind while creating your presence on social media;-

  • Try to provide as much information as you can
  • Use real image, logo as per size
  • Let others know you are on Social Media
  • Invite others to like and comment on your initial posts
  • Create and share niche Related contents
  • Try to communicate with your customers regularly

Specify your Brand

Specify your targeted customers based on the buyer personas. Be more demographic or psychographics Centric to get the best results. Many brands have targeted a specific range of customers, like women or SMEs.

Reach out to your target Customers

To Create an Online Presence, you need to be where your customers are

For B2B mobile apps development companies, platforms like LinkedIn are more beneficial. It doesn't mean you can't find your customers on other platforms like Facebook and Instagram. You have to be there for them too.

If you are there where your customers are, you will build a solid online presence.

Building Relationships

Building Relationships with people already in your industry can also help build an online presence.

It's always been better to have relationships with blog writers, podcasters, or video makers in your industry; they can help you in branding by publishing your Content or features you in their Content.

Build an Email List

One of the best ways to create your online presence is by building and growing your email list. It will help you engage with your existing customers and potential customers.

Decide what you want to advertise or promote and choose the best platform accordingly.

Plan your SEO

With new changes happening every day, Search Engine Optimization ( SEO) is one of the best ways to build your online presence.

We can categorize SEO into three-part -

  • Off-Page SEO - It's all about your Content, Keywords Research, internal and external linking of your website. It also includes brand trust and credibility through backlinks.
  • On-Page SEO - Whereas it's all about how your website looks, its URL structures, its loading speed, customer experience, and other things.
    • Content SEO- It includes all the website content and its internal linking with pages while being more informed about your business
    • Technical SEO- It includes all the technical sides of things, Page Structure, Meta tags, Schema Tags, and Website Integration with other platforms.

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4. SEO Strategies

Many think that the SEO of Software development companies is not as effective as it used to be. Is it Dead? No, SEO is alive and more important with all the changes on Search engine platforms like Google.

We have to plan our SEO Strategies while keeping those updates in mind. Here we will discuss some effective SEO Strategies for mobile app development companies in 2022.

On-Page Optimization

As mentioned above, On-Page SEO is about optimizing aspects of the website and how it looks to customers and Search Engines.

Starts from the Planning Process

I Would Recommend developing your website and its Content while keeping SEO in mind. Always consider two important things while planning your website content.

Keywords and Search Queries of your relevant niches

You Could Use various Search Queries from Google and Keyword research tools like SEMrush and Ahrefs. All have to be with a motive of

  • Finding keywords that are relevant to your business as well as your clients/customers
  • Finding Keywords with high search volume and their competitiveness
  • Finding Keywords that you can use in informative Content
  • Finding alternate and Relatable Keywords to your main keywords
And User's Search Intent

Always keep the User's Search intent behind every targeted keyword. It always aims to answer all the search queries and help readers find out the best possible and relevant answer to their problems. You must include Call to Action (CTA) in your Content to fulfill your purpose of converting customers.

While optimizing Content, remember to align Relevancy and value to your audience.

Customer Experience

The structure of Website pages, Content, and the overall layout will affect how visitors interact with them. Engaging Content can increase the chances of visitors sharing your Content, increasing your ranking in the Search Engine Results Page (SERP).

Keep these things in mind while creating content and developing the pages-

  • Make Sure your Content doesn't have any typing errors or grammatical mistakes.
  • Always keep a balance between simple and complex technical language.
  • Use Proper content Structure with Sub-heading (can include keywords), Bullet points, bold texts.
  • Double-check facts and figures mentioned in your Content
  • Inter-link your Content with internal website pages

Keyword Optimization

SEO is majorly dependent on keyword optimization and ranking at relevant keywords. As discussed above, many tools will help you optimize your keywords and search volumes.

There are no specific rules for keyword density; it's always best to make your Content as natural as you can. You can also use LSI Keyword naturally in critical areas-

  • Heading & sub-heading
  • Meta Description and Meta Title
  • Image texts.
  • URLs

You can also check out top-ranking competitors' approaches towards their Content ( Structure, writing style, images, etc.)

URL Optimization

Website URLs are the first thing any search engine interacts with. Always consider the user's intent, and search engine algorithms while creating the URL of your website.

**Users quickly read it, and Google can easily index it. **

Shorter URLs with exact keywords will perform better than any other LSI keywords.

You can use synonyms or alternative words on your website's related pages. Google algorithms easily some dynamics URLs created by CMS platforms, but it will create issues with the audience, so always try to keep well defined and static URLs.

Internal Linking Structure

As the name suggests, Internal Linking links one page to another page in your website or domain.

The main principle of linking is to link your pages to higher-ranking pages or websites. Always use proper and relevant keywords as the anchor text to link. You can also add relevant posts through various plugins and ensure appropriate posts.

Technical SEO Optimization

A Critical part of SEO consists of optimizing the website as a whole as per Search Engine Algorithms, with the objective of easy crawling and indexing the website by Google.

Its a broad topic and majorly depends on the website's niche, but there are a few vital factors to focus on-

Mobile Friendly

It's known that Google now values mobile-friendly sites. Otherwise, it will be nearly impossible to rank your sites in SERP.

You can use various Mobile-friendly test tools like Google Console Mobile- Friendly test Tool to check whether your site is mobile-friendly or not.

There are several things you can do to optimize your website to be mobile- friendly-

  • Update your theme into a mobile-friendly one, if your website is developed through CMS platforms
  • Optimize the size of Buttons, menus, and forms to make pages easily visible on mobile screens and easy to type in and click on
  • Avoid Pop-up and ensure that the customer services button is easily accessible on each page.
  • You can also choose not to show a few sections to minimize the page's loading speed over mobile.

Loading Speed

If your website takes a little extra time to load, it will negatively impact your engagement rate.

As per the report, 47% of visitors expect sites to load in two seconds or less. If they stick or wait around to load your website more than that, please stop expecting them to return.

To keep your visitors intact and reduce the bounce rate, optimize your site to load in three seconds.

You need to focus on a few factors in mind to optimize your site loading speed-

Minimize HTTP requests

HTTP requests made for each one of these elements like -images, stylesheets, and scripts. So if your website has more components, it will take more time to load.

You can remove the unused or unnecessary elements to Minimize the number of requests of those elements will decrease the loading time.

Minify and Combine Files

Now you know how many requests your website makes, and you have to minimize the number and the best place to start besides HTML, CSS, and Java Scripts.

You can minify and combine these files to reduce the number of requests made and file size, ultimately affecting your website loading speed.

Reduce Server Response Time

Reducing the server Response Time means optimizing your website to get quickly searched over DNS Server. When your visitor types the URLs, DNS Server converts it into IP and reveals its online location.

Hosting Option

If your website traffic is choking the loading speed of your website, it's time to upgrade your hosting option. Choose the right hosting per your traffic, Shared Hosting, VPS hosting, or dedicated Server hosting with increasing spaces, respectively.

Reduce Image Size

Reducing the image size is the most important while optimizing your website for the best loading speed. There are many ways to compress the image size, the simple way is to crop it as per your requirement, or you can also 3rd party plugin to reduce the image size.

You also have to be sure about using the correct file type, mainly consider WebP as these types of files are easily compressible compared to png, jpg, or other types.


Content Delivery Network (CDN) will cache your website on global networks of servers. It will help the website load faster, even if its location is far from the origin server. With CDN, your visitor can load the website from their nearby server.

Optimizing Robot.txt

Robot.txt is a simple text file that provides information to Search engine crawlers on which page they have to index and crawl during the indexing and crawling process. If the Robot.txt file is missing or not well-formatted, then the search engine will crawl all pages of your website.

Off-Page Optimization

Off-Page Optimization is the most critical process in ranking your website in SERP. As discussed above, it builds credibility through backlinking with the high-ranked website.

After many updates over the years, Google Smartely determines the quality and relevancy of your backlinks.

  • Quality Matters- The quality of your Backlinks matters more than quantity. Backlinks from high authoritative sites are considered more valuable.
  • Relevance- Your Backlink needs to be relevant to your niche business. Your backlink and website will get penalized if your backlinks are not Relevant to app development.
  • Frequency- If you are building too many links at any time, Google might see you as spam and penalize your Content.

Getting backlinks yourserverOKhly ranked websites is not always easy. So you use a few tactics that will help you achieve google backlinks.

Linkable Content

The best way to get more relevant backlinks on your Content is to make high- quality and unique Content with detailed, complete information.

There are a few ways to improve your content quality;-

  • Include facts and research data in your Content which can increase the linkability of your Content
  • Include information about new updates of the same niche in your Content
  • Try to link your Content to the highly-rated pages and Content, which will automatically boost the ranking of other pages

Guest Posting

When Done right, Guest Posting will sure way to get a quality backlink which will get you a higher ranking.

But for Guest Posting, you need to create your reputation, which will be difficult in the initial phase, but being consistent will help you in the long run. Otherwise, you can build relationships with those sites before guest posting. You can engage them through email, social media, and comments on their blogs.

Sometimes High ranked websites will charge money for Guest Posting Opportunities. You had to check its prices and the site's trustworthiness before proceeding further.

Analyze the Do-follow Links

Do-follow links are the best ranking signal which boosts your ranking in SERP.

Many backlinks from a highly ranked website like- youtube, Facebook Wikipedia tends to be no-follow. So, we have to aim for do-follow links to help your ranking.

Social Media Marketing and Social Bookmarking

While many high-ranked social Media Websites will tend to give no-follow links, that may not help you rank your website.

But there will still help in many aspects like-

  • Sharing your Content over social media will get more people reading your blogs, which helps you in boosting your rank.
  • The more people visit your Content, the higher the chance they will link it.
  • Sharing your Content will also help it will get indexed quicker.

You can also work with influencers of software or app development niches to help build your credibility trustworthiness and get more backlinks to help your SEO Strategies Goals ultimately.

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5. Content Marketing Strategies

While marketing for mobile apps development, Content Curation and Marketing offers a tremendous amount of help boosting your results.

While defining an effective content marketing plan, you need to understand brand positioning, Value proposition, Business Goals, and Plan.

  • Brand Positioning- Understanding brand Positioning will help you understand your brand's uniqueness and how it stands out from the competition.
  • Value Proposition- What value do you provide from your Content, and how's your Content is better than other content curators.
  • Business Goals- What business goals do you need to achieve, and how well your content marketing plan helps you achieve them.
  • Strategies and plans- who is your target audience, and how will you reach out to them.

You always need to keep those factors in mind while making Content Marketing Strategies.

6 Steps to Creating a Complete Content Marketing Strategy

Defining an effective content marketing strategy will be challenging to plan and implement. Laying out these six steps will help you develop an effective plan systematically.

Content Audit

Its a process to analyze your existing content as well as other Content to find out -

  • Who will be your audience?
  • What types of Content will attract more audiences?
  • How well will your Content help you in achieving your business goals?

You can always use Tools like Google Analytics, Semrush Tracking, and Ahrefs which will help you gather metrics like- PageViews, Likes, Backlinks.

After collecting data, you will prioritize your action plan for-

  • Reusing the Content
  • Expanding your Content
  • Add More Images and Videos
  • Optimizing Meta Title and Description as per SEO
  • Updating Internal or External Linking
  • Avoid Broken links or 301 redirects

After analyzing your data and action plan, now it's time to set your content marketing goals.

Content Marketing Goal

After analyzing all the data from the content audit, you have to make your goals while ensuring that you achieve your business goals. You should always make long-term and short-term goals for your Content while keeping multiple metrics in mind.

There are a few things you should keep in mind while drafting your goals-

  • Every goal should be a Challange
  • Define 3-4 objectives as results
  • Continuously measures your each goal
  • Constantly adjust your goals as per new conditions.

Understand your Audience

Analyzing, finding, and diverting them to your Content is the critical success factor in Content Marketing. You could use the buyer persona or define an audience persona per the content audit.

These Buyer/Audience Persona will help you understand

  • Which type of audience is attracted to what kind of Content?
  • How many audiences will engage with your Content?
  • What are their expectations, and what do they need?

You already have identified the benefits of creating a buyer persona while making the marketing plan.

Content Production

Now that you have all your information about what to do and whom you will make Content. Then, it's time to plan content creation and to think about each piece of content you need.

Priorities your Actions

The essential element of effective content planning is action prioritization. Better planning and Prioritizing will help you safeguard your plan from failing hard and finding more options to experiment for achieving goals.

Align Content as per Business Model

Align your content goals with Business goals, Understand where you stand and where you want to reach, and define the objectives.


Before curating any content, you need to do comprehensive and in-depth research on your keywords.

They are divided into Primary Keywords (Base Keywords) with high search volume and high competition. And Semantically-related keywords mean words and phrases, which means words and phrases related to your primary keywords and help search engines easily recognize what Content is about.

You can use keyword research tools like Google Keyword Planner and Keyword.io to get an idea about related keywords, search volume, and competitiveness.

Working on primary keywords with huge keywords can be exhausting, So it will be better and more effective to work in realistic keywords and work towards the top of the funnels.

Find relevant topics

image-6547/ List of Relevant Topics by Answer the public

After deciding on keywords, you look to highly searched relevant topics that attract your audience's attention. For finding relevant topics, you could take help from the Google F&Qs, Questions and Answer Sites ( Quora), Forum Submission Sites. You can also use tools like Topic research Tool to find out trending topics, heading, and sub-headings for your Content.

Organize your work

Always prepare some content Marketing calendar to monitor progress and communicate with different teams to create, publish and analyze their stats.

These calendars can also help assign other team members to complete and facilitate communication within a deadline.

Variety of Content

Include a mixed variety of content types in your marketing plan to appeal to any member of your audience.

image-6541/ Content Types for Digital Marketing

Create SEO Friendly Content

It's crucial to ensure that your Content can attract the audience while being search engine friendly. As per the report, around 40% of all traffic visiting our website .organically. So it is essential to optimize your content as per the search engine while being easily readable and well structured.

Reuse your Content

You can also reuse any published content to appeal to new customers by diversifying your content types.

  • You can turn an article into infographics, Documents, or Videos
  • Summarize a long article into short content pieces and vice versa.

Content Distribution

Before Distributing your Content, you have to know how you work on

  • Owned Media- Blogs, Webinars, Video Content,
  • Earned Media- External Publications, Mentions, Reviews
  • Paid Media- Search Engine Ads, Social media ads, Paid Publications

image-6548/ Content Distribution over Different Types of Media

And how they work together to know where to focus and plan accordingly.

Omnichannel Communication

By Aligning Brand Positioning and goals across multi-channels,i.e., omnichannel Communications, your audience will get a much better understanding of your business.

Finding out the Right Channel

While planning content distribution, choosing the right channel has always been necessary. The Content Audit Plan will help you provide the best platforms where your audience is present. Then all you have to do is reach out to your audience through your diverse content planning.

Specific Social media Analytics can help you determine the proper channels to reach your audience.

Content Performance

Analyzing your Content's performance is the best way to determine which type of Content is most engaging to your audience. Based on that data, you should curate more interesting Content.

You could measure your content performance on metrics such as-

  • User behavior- new and returning visitors, bounce rate, sessions, impressions
  • Engagement- Likes, comments, share, mentions
  • SEO- Backlinks, traffics
  • Revenue- No. of leads, conversion rate, ROI

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6. Social Media Strategies

We have already discussed why mobile app development companies need to have their presence over social media platforms. We also know that choosing the proper social media channels will help us achieve our goals.

So, how can software development companies start using social media to engage more audiences and drive potential customers?

Focus on Right Channel

There are hundreds of Social media platforms that do have a large number of potential customers. It has become more complicated to know where your audience lies and how we can reach out to them.

Some practices will help out in filtering out the right channel.

Social media audit

If you already have a social media presence, you need to examine what you are doing and where to improve, and what types of posts are more engaging in each platform. You have to keep multiple things in mind while auditing.

  • Types of Posts- Which kinds of posts are more effective?
  • Engagement- How does your post engage your audience?
  • Time- At which time and day do you get the most engagement?
  • Hashtags- How are they helping, and which ones are trending and relevant?

Competitors Analysis

Once you know your stats, it's time to check how others are doing. So, look at their social media profiles to analyze how well they are doing, the types of content they are posting, how their audience engages, and their posting frequency.

It will explain where you are lacking, what opportunities you have, and which types of content to post to drive more engagement.

Define your Objective

Analyzing all the audit data, now it is time to set your objectives; what do you want to achieve?

Social media can serve multiple purposes, including some common goals as-

  • Establishing relationships with the audience
  • Reach out to potential customers
  • Know what your audience wants

Choose the Right Channel

Selecting the right channel is solely determined by your company goals and target audience. For Example;- If you want to grow your team, LinkedIn is the best option, but if you're going to engage a more young audience, you have to be more active on Instagram and Snapchat.

As per the Survey, the most popular social media platforms used by software developers are Reddit and Youtube. Which is quite shocking!

Engage with Trending Topic related to your niche

The software industry is constantly growing and changing. You can use those new, changing, and upgrading information as leverage to gain more followers, build brand awareness.

Always pay attention to comments sections, and engage with the audience. You can always reshare and retweet any great content related to your niche.

Tutorial and Informative Videos

When you seek to grow your network and want people to notice your social media platforms, one of the best ways is to share informative, valuable, and educational video content on several media.

Sharing short videos over social media platforms such as Instagram reels or Youtube Shorts can help you diver, your audience to your website pages or blogs which ultimately help you in your branding process.

Invite your happy Customer for Review

Who doesn't look for any company reviews? All customers want to know what others think about that particular software development company.


Happy Customer Posts by Quokka labs

All you have to do is send a thank you email with a link to rate and review your services. The more you engage with your happy customers, the more likely you will get a better review. To get some initial feedback, you can give your clients free access to some of your software and ask them for feedback to get some initial feedback.

Engage With your Followers

You have to be more attentive towards your audience or follower. Don't make them feel left out. Engage them when they comment on your posts. There are many ways to engage your followers.

Contests and Giveaways

You can boost engagement with timely contests and giveaways. You can experiment with this on several platforms; Instagram is more popular with these posts. You just need to decide what you will give as a prize and set some rules for the contests.


To keep your followers engaged with profiles, you can post polls and Q&As on several social media platforms, including Linkedin and Instagram. You could ask about your niche or something related to buyer behaviors.

Feature and Mention your Followers

One of the best ways to engage your followers is to feature and mention them some time on your posts or story, That will make them feel special, and they will become loyal to your profile.

Ask your followers

You can also ask your followers about what they like to see and their expectations from your posts. It will also help you with feedback about your services and posts per audience expectations.

Automate your Posts

One of the critical ingredients of Social Media Marketing is Scheduling your posts. Make a Weekly/ Monthly plan on a Social media Calendar, curate your posts ahead of time, and schedule them on social media platforms.

You can use Creator Studio by Facebook to schedule your posts on Facebook and Instagram. Automation tools like Buffer and Hootsuite can help you plan your post on various platforms.

image-6549/ Post Automation by Facebook Creator Studio

Don't automate everything; keep a few spaces for trending posts to be posted and engage more customers by being authentic and unique.

Paid Advertising

To reach out to more potential audiences, try to boost your posts or run a campaign with goals for brand awareness, get more engagement, or get new leads. Shoot videos that can attract more customers or give a brief about what you are offering and then invest a small amount to more a huger ROI from Social media ads.

Few Things to Consider while using social media

To get more followers and more engagement, you need to keep a few things in mind while posting on social media.

Be More Creative

You have to stand out from the crowd by being more creative with the style of posting. Be more creative with the heading, designs, formats, and find new ways to engage with your audience.

Better Visual Sense

Every Social Media marketing professional needs to have a greater understanding of visuals to attract more customers.

Always be attentive to details.

You must avoid typing errors or mistakes because you will get framed easily and lose your subscribers. Double-check your facts and figures as well your contents and relevant hashtags before posting

Always keep experimenting

Don't be afraid to experiment with new pots and plans to engage your audience. You can also try new platforms and see how they work out for you.

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7. Paid Marketing Strategies

Who doesn't want to have some quick and easy wins? Boosting the reach of your Content using paid Advertising is one of the best ways to be more effective.

Spending some budget on paid advertising like Search engine advertising or social media ads can help you reach the target audience.

PPC advertising

As the name suggests, Pay per Click . You have to pay when your target audience clicks on your ads.

You can see their performance right after it starts showing, and it will help you target well defined targeted audience.

Few best practices to get the most out of PPC ads

Always target audience based on buyer persona

Use the data that you already have about your ideal audience to ensure a much higher conversion rate.

Always create a landing page.

Don't send your audience to your homepage. Always links to a landing page relevant to the initial query.

Always be Relevant to your PPC ads.

All your targeted audience will bounce back without converting if your Content is not relevant to your landing pages.

Optimize your landing pages

Optimize your landing pages with clear and concise information rather than including unused stuff. Always be on point with your Content and forms.

You can use some informative videos on your landing pages, as people instead watch videos the read content.

Social Media Ads

You have to pay for the click in social media ads, same as Search Engine Advertising mentioned above, with complete control of the targeted audience.

You can run a campaign or boost any posts, and they will appear with sponsored tags in the news feed stories and have different types depending on selected platforms.

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8. Email Marketing Strategies

The best thing about email marketing is that many people consider it dead, But little did they know that it can still deliver significant returns if done right.

Still, around 90% of B2B companies use email marketing to reach out audience, which still secures its place in the marketing plan.

But how to do it right?

Filter your Email List

If you haven't filtered out your email database, do before planning. You only want to engage with customers interested in your offer. If a few of your audience are not engaging with your email, remove them from your list.

Repeat this after a few months to improve email marketing and increase the conversion rate.

Tips for Email marketing

You have to be aware that your audience receives hundreds of emails daily. So, you have to stand out from the crowd. There are a few best practices to increase the conversion rate of email-

  • Catchy Heading and Subject Lines
  • Always be brief on email
  • Add some Multimedia( images, videos, Gifs, and others)
  • Include Social media Sharing buttons
  • Always include CTA to relevant assets

If Done Right, Email marketing can also support your lead generation and nurture leads.

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9. App Store Marketing Strategies

Being in Mobile App Development, you had to understand that knowing App Store Marketing is crucial as other marketing plans.

App Store Marketing or ASO means a group of planning that aims to improve your app's ranking and visibility in app stores like Google Play Store and Apple store. If done correctly, it will increase your organic download.

Things to consider while optimizing your app to increase visibility-

App Title

App title plays a vital role in increasing the visibility of your app and making it stand out from the crowd. Always be clear and Unique while making it relevant to what you are offering. You can also include brand name if you wish

Google Play Store only provides 50 Characters for App Name, whereas Apple Store provides only 30 characters.


Use relevant and trending keywords and phrases with high search volume; primary keywords can be hard to rank, so you can use LSI keywords as we did during the SEO plan.

App Description

The app description fully defines your app, what the app does, and how the audience will benefit from this app, including the new update.

So, keep the description as natural as possible while including relevant keywords and correct information.

App icon

App Icon just acts as the logo for your mobile apps on the Store. You have to use a clear and eye-catching icon in its required proper size.

In Apple App Store the minimum size for icon is 1024px (length) and 1024px ( width) While in Google Store the minimum size is 512px (length) and 512 px (width).

Visual Presentation

While optimizing your mobile app on App Store, attach screenshots of your apps describing how your app works. You can also add an informative video about your app.

Rating and Reviews

Rating and reviews are are some of the most critical parts of your app store optimization process. More positive thoughts can bring more organic downloads, get more credibility, and increase your ranking.

For a detailed and better understanding of ASO. You can check out -


Market your Mobile App

Now you know how to optimize your mobile app, and now it's time to market it for increasing download.

Downloadable links over the website

The most commonly used tactics to drive your website traffic in downloading the mobile app from the Google play store and Apple Store.

Use Social Media

You can share the download link or announce about mobile app launch on social media platforms and news feeds to invite more followers to download the app.

App install campaigns

If you wish to increase the number of downloads, you should go for App install advertising, in which you will be charged as per install, not on every click as we discussed in PPC Advertising.

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10. Lead generation and Management Strategies

Mobile App Development companies need to drive more leads for their business, and the most effective way to generate leads is through content marketing.

Now the question arises, How would you generate leads?

Lead-Generating Content

Also known as lead Magnets. In order to have conversing leads, you have to offer something in return.

And what's better than sharing valuable information in exchange for their email address or contact details.

Type of Content that can help you in generating leads

  • eBooks
  • Case Studies
  • Quizzes
  • Free trials
  • Webinars
  • Guest Blogging

Content Syndication

It's a process of sharing or uploading Content over third-party sites with tons of audiences. This process is commonly used for backlinking but can also generate leads.

Some popular platforms for sharing Content over the internet are- Reddit, Medium, Slideshare, Quora, Tumblr, LinkedIn, and others.

Distribution Networks

There are hundreds of Networks where you can distribute your Content. Organic distribution of Content over multiple platforms can take time to build the authority and credibility of your website.

Some of the best organic distribution networks are-

  • Search engines
  • Facebook
  • Youtube
  • Linkedin
  • Instagram
  • Pinterest

You get the idea of distribution channels, and you already know how to use them. And do remember to choose the best platforms as per buyer persona.

Lead Generation Campaigns

We can start campaigns to generate new leads per buyer persona on search engines and social media ads. You could also promote your Content over distribution channels to get more visitors/subscribers.

Popular Ads types to generate leads

  • Lead generation ads
  • Social media Ads
  • Search ads
  • Display Ads
  • Video ads ( to get more Subscribers)

Call to action (CTAs)

Always include a CTA on your Content and emails to generate leads. It should be obvious and easily accessible to grab the audience's attention.

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11. Analytics and Strategies

It's time to check the goals you have outlined at the beginning of the Marketing Plan.

For the proper tracking of your performance, you need an Analytics Tools and Content Management System (CMS) that can track all the metrics like- page views, submissions, conversion rate, and other metrics).

Every business needs to know how well it performed in marketing and sales.

You can use tools like Google Analytics, Social Media Insights, and CMS report from software like Zoho, Hubspot, and others to track the performance of the content and marketing team.

Talk to Us

We at Quokka Labs are specialists in developing and marketing mobile apps for various sectors, who know how to design beautifully and attract and engage your audience with your mobile apps.

To fully understand our clients' business goals and buyer persona, develop mobile apps and marketing strategies to create their online presence.

Some of the services we offer include-

  • Mobile App Development :

We do everything from Mobile Application ideation and wire-framing to Mobile App Quality Assurance and App Launch (& we love agile).

  • Product Design :

We create product designs with a critical focus on user experience, which involves analysis of user problems & approaches to solving them.

  • Web App Development

We create web apps that are secure, scalable & responsive on all platforms, with a primary focus on mobile devices.

  • **Mobile & Web Strategy **

We help validate business ideas and create a potent mobile & web strategy. We identify the right features for your product & map them with what your target users desire.

Today, more than 80% of customers are based on mobile devices. You need to have your presence over their mobiles. You need to have your website developed to be mobile friendly and connect them via mobile apps.

So, if you want to boost your business by developing your cross-platform mobile apps, then Quokka Labs is the right fit.

If you want to connect with us, then click below

Let's Start

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App development company

Marketing Strategies

Digital Marketing Strategies

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