Driven By Artificial Intelligence - GitHub Co-Pilot Is Here!

Are you curious about GitHub Co-Pilot, the new AI-driven code generation tool? This article dives into what Co-Pilot is, how it works, and what it means for the future of software development. Get ready to be amazed by the power of AI!

Github Copilot entered the room to prove us all wrong when we thought coding could not be more straightforward. We know how exciting the news is for all the developers and programmers out there because, trust us, we are amazed by its potential too!

It's possible because it encircles itself with an Artificial Intelligence enabled platform that adapts and makes the machine familiar with the way you code to finish the rest of it for you.

Also, the potential of the tool continues beyond there. GitHub Copilot can assist you in learning a new programming language from scratch!

What's All The Buzz Around Github Copilot?


GitHub announced its new creation, i.e., Copilot, on 29th June 2021, a powerhouse developed by GitHub and Open AI. The platform offers a helping hand to the users of Visual Studio Code in generating codes automatically without any manual effort.

The process involves tapping into a particular programmer's coding style to improve their code and fast-track the entire process. It draws context from the current lines of code you are working on or the real function to start with.

How Does Github's Copilot Work?

The tool follows various patterns to quickly solve your coding mysteries for mobile and web app development . Github Copilot uses OpenAI Codex, i.e., a deep learning model that instantly suggests and predicts the further lines of auto-generated codes.

From a pool of existing depositories, the tool picks the open-source code on GitHub to collect data that best fills the gap. Its USP lies in its ability to crack the methodology used by the programmer to write codes in a certain way and style.


Below are a few patterns you may notice while using the tool:-

  • The algorithm analyses your coding pattern
  • It picks and adapts to your pattern
  • Reads and declares the function of your pattern
  • Suggest more than one line of code for you to pick the best one
  • You can edit the pre-generated code to tailor it to your choice
  • Any redundant codes are auto-filled with its smart features
  • Creating unit tests for all your methods is incredibly seamless

Can We Expect Accurate And Flawless Lines Of Code?

Yes and No. What we mean here is it does a great job, and you will be amazed to see how it picks the right search intent every time it suggests codes or entire functions.

GitHub CEO, Nat Friedman, clarified that the Copilot has tremendous capability to beat even the GPT-3 code generation. It's an effective tool tested on large data sets that included a massive concentration of public source code and improved accordingly.


And as humans become sharp with practice, the machine keeps updating its algorithm. It works on how often you accept or deny its suggestions, based on which the tool's performance can be improvised further.

But in the end, you can only trust the tool blindly to take over the development process if you dedicate time to review the code once. You will always need to quickly go through it to ensure the code is in sync with your requirements.

It tells and reminds us that even though we are progressing with artificial intelligence services , we are not quite there yet.

Github's Copilot's Compatibility With Other Frameworks And Technologies

Github's versatility inches closer to various technologies and frameworks are​​ mobile application development or web application development . JavaScript, Python, Ruby On Rails, TypeScript, and Go are set to get along with Github's Copilot.

How Secure is Your Private Code Within The GitHub Community?

Github assures it will only use data collected from your end to improve the existing AI model regarding privacy and confidentiality. When you accept or reject any suggestion put across by the tool, it takes it as a heads-up or down via telemetry rules of conduct.

Currently, Visual Studio Code can leverage the technology, so access is limited to a small group of programmers. Although in the future, when the tool is available to a broader audience, it will reconsider the security standards.

Addressing The Elephant In The Room

Yes, you guessed it right. We wonder if GitHub's Copilot is a boon or a bane for the entire software development industry. Can this intuitive yet powerful tool replace and match the potential of human coders? The short answer is No.

Here's why!

Coding takes up only 20% of the software development process; the rest is testing, debugging, and maintaining code. And that can't be done by a machine whatsoever. A human eye, cognitive mind, and creative thinking are necessary to bring the best results into your digital products.

Also, Copilot follows a verbose pattern wherein the codes generated are a lot! It means you will automatically end up maintaining code more than curating it. Plus, the suggestions made by the tool will always be part of what you had in mind. So tweaking them a little now and then is something you will have to be prepared for.

Summing It Up

GitHub's Copilot is a transformational product, hands down! But that does not necessarily put you in a sweet spot as a coder. You need to re-check and re-evaluate your codes to ensure you induce the best usability and experience across ​​ mobile app development and websites you create.

It's up to us to make artificial intelligence services work in our favor or let them outshine how we have worked for so many years. Use the tool to get some burden off you but be mindful of stepping in whenever required.

Get in touch with India's best mobile and web app development company to leverage top-notch artificial intelligence services for your business.


Github AI tools

Github Co-Pilot

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